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I totally forgot to mention that I was invited to talk about my fat activism Tumblr blog, Every Smile a Lie: a living while fat journal, by Cat Pause on Friend of Marilyn, a podcast and radio show. Probably because even though it felt right once we finished recording, I hoped I didn’t say anything stupid…

Despite all the public speaking I’ve done in my life, both creative and academic, I still had bad nerves over it, though Cat was really nice.

I was like, “New Zealand? I can’t even get people in the United States to listen to me or read my work. -__-“ I mean people follow me on all my blogs, but I am unaware of whether they actually read anything that I write until they message me or respond to a post, whether it matters or not. I don’t get a lot of mail unless it’s hate mail.

Cat invited me to join her on the show again if there’s anything I wanted to talk about. After I was off the phone with her, I immediately thought of my position as a creative writer and my obsession of writing fat positive heroines/heroes, having a segment about that as a project for fat artist and body positive artists for fat activism. I am also the mod for “Fatter Than Fiction”, which is still not very active since I haven’t had time to hunt for fat positive creativity…

I haven’t had a chance to listen to the Friend of Marilyn podcast shows yet but I’ve subscribed on my little device. Will you?

Don’t forget to check out the Tumblr blogs, too.
